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Daily Clothing

whattobring-image-01While at school, we recommend children wear casual clothing as we do many messy activities. Also, secure fitting, rubber soled shoes are the most appropriate footwear for school as dress-up shoes or clogs can be quite dangerous during active play.

Appropriate Outdoor Clothing

Every child should be dressed for the weather of that day. During the winter months, please provide your child with a warm winter coat, snow pants, hat, waterproof mittens, snow boots, and an additional pair of rubber soled shoes for indoor play. Boots and snow pants are worn December through March due to snow and mud. Full day children should have two pairs of waterproof mittens each day. Remember, their winter gear should be things that you don’t mind getting dirty. We encourage the children to be independent and to dress themselves as much as possible, so the easier the outdoor clothing is to manage, the better. Clothing should also be safe and should not limit active inside or outside play.

Lunch and a Drink

Every child should have a labeled lunch box or lunch bag with their daily lunch, drink, napkin and any utensils they may need.

Please send nutritious lunches, remembering no candy or gum is allowed at school and that we do not microwave or warm lunches. We allow “desserts” or sweets after a good attempt is made at eating the main course; however, a good way to cut down on power issues at lunchtime is by sending all healthy items. Lunch foods in need of refrigeration can be placed in the refrigerator daily on the appropriate tray with their name or symbol marked on each item. The state also requires an ice pack be included in each child’s lunch box to keep things cool. Partially eaten food will be returned home in the lunch box so parents can be aware of what and how much their child is eating. We provide snacks twice a day and cooking activities regularly. Menus and recipes will be posted. Please be sure to inform us of any food allergies your child may have during the registration process.

Rest Time

For rest time, full-day children should have a small pillow and blanket and one soft toy that easily fits in their nap crate.

Extra Change of Clothing

Every child should have a complete change of clothing which is appropriate for the season and that can remain at school. Each child has a labeled, canvas bag hanging above their cubby to store their extra clothing. Each child should have at least one complete change of clothing along with at least 2 pairs of underwear and 2 pairs of socks. Be sure to restock regularly, especially as seasons change or your child grows.